Learning Organization Profile Batanghari University

Learning Organization Profile

Batanghari University

By  Zulyadaini (7117110512)



Below is a list of various statements about your organization. Read each statement carefully and decide the extent to which it applies to your  organization. Use the following scale:

4 = applies totally

3 = applies to a great extent

2 = applies to a moderate extent

1 = applies to little or no extent


  1. I.      Learning Dynamics:

Individual, Group or Team, and Organizational

In Batanghari University


_3__ 1.  We see continuous learning by all employees as a high business priority.

_3__ 2.  We are encouraged and expected to manage our own learning and development.

_2__ 3.  People avoid distorting information and blocking communication channels by actively listening to others and providing them with effective feedback.

_2__ 4.  Individuals are trained and coached in learning how to learn.

_2__ 5.  We use various accelerated learning methodologies (mindmapping, mnemonics, imagery, music).

_1__ 6.  People expand knowledge through adaptive, anticipatory, and creative learning approaches.

_1__ 7.  Teams and individuals use the action learning process—that is, they learn from careful reflection on the problem or situation and apply their new knowledge to future actions.

_3__ 8.  Teams are encouraged to learn from one another and share what they learn in a variety of ways (via electronic bulletin boards, printed newsletters, or intergroup meetings).

_3__ 9.   People are able to think and act with a comprehensive, systems approach.

_2__ 10. Teams receive training in how to work and learn in groups.



Learning Dynamics (maximum score: 40)



II. Organization Transformation:


Vision, Culture, Strategy, and Structure

In Batanghari University

_3__ 1. The importance of being a learning organization is understood throughout the company.

_2__ 2. Top-level management supports the vision of a learning organization.

_3__ 3. There is a climate that supports and recognizes the importance of learning.

_4__ 4. We are committed to continuous learning in pursuit of improvement.

_3__ 5. We learn from failures as well as successes, which means that mistakes are tolerated.

_3__ 6. We reward people and teams for learning and helping others learn. Appendix 239

_3__ 7. Learning opportunities are incorporated into operations and programs.

_3__ 8. We design ways to share knowledge and enhance learning throughout the organization (systematic job rotation across divisions, structured on-the-job learning systems).

_2__ 9. The organization is streamlined, with few levels of management,   to maximize the communication and learning across levels.

_3__ 10. We coordinate our efforts across departments on the basis of common goals and learnings, rather than maintaining fixed departmental boundaries.



29      Organization Transformation (maximum score: 40)




III. People Empowerment:


Manager, Employee, Customer, Partners, Suppliers, and Community

In Batanghari University

_3__ 1. We strive to develop an empowered workforce that is able to learn and perform.

_3__ 2. Authority is decentralized and delegated in proportion to responsibility and learning capability.

_2__ 3. Managers and non managers work in partnership to learn and solve problems together.

_3__ 4. Managers take on the roles of coaches, mentors, and facilitators of learning.

_2__ 5. Managers generate and enhance learning opportunities as well as encourage experimentation and reflection on new knowledge so that it can be used.

_2__ 6. We actively share information with our customers and at the same time obtain their ideas and input in order to learn and improve services and products.

_3__ 7. We give customers and suppliers opportunities to participate in learning and training products.

_2__ 8. Learning from partners (subcontractors, teammates) is maximized through up-front planning of resources and strategies devoted to knowledge and skill acquisition.

_3__ 9. We participate in learning events with suppliers, community groups, professional associations, and academic institutions.

_3__ 10. We actively seek learning partners among customers, vendors, and suppliers.



People Empowerment (maximum score: 40)




IV. Knowledge Management:


Acquisition, Creation, Storage, Retrieval, Transfer, and Utilization

In Batanghari University

_4__ 1. We actively seek information that improves the work of the organization by incorporating products and/or processes that are outside our function.

_3__ 2. We have accessible systems for collecting internal and external information.

_3__ 3. We monitor trends outside our organization by looking at what others do; this includes benchmarking best practices, attending conferences, and examining published research.

_2__ 4. People are trained in the skills of creative thinking, innovation, and experimentation.

_2__ 5. We often create demonstration projects as a means of testing new ways of developing a product and/or delivering a service.

_2__ 6. We have developed systems and structures to ensure that important knowledge is coded, stored, and made available to those who need and can use it.

_3__ 7. People are aware of the need to retain important organizational learning and share such knowledge with others.

_2__ 8. Cross-functional teams are used to transfer important learning across groups, departments, and divisions.

_3__ 9. We continue to develop new strategies and mechanisms for sharing learning throughout the organization.

_1__ 10. We support specific areas, units, and projects that generate knowledge by providing people with learning opportunities.



Knowledge management (maximum score: 40)




V. Technology Application:


Knowledge Information Systems, Technology-Based Learning, and Electronic Performance Support Systems

In Batanghari University


_3__ 1. Learning is facilitated by effective and efficient computer-based information systems.

_4__ 2. People have ready access to the information highway via, for example, local area networks, the Internet, and an intranet.

_2__ 3. Learning facilities incorporate electronic multimedia support and an environment based on the powerful integration of art, color, music, and visuals.

_2__ 4. Computer-assisted learning programs and electronic job aids (just-in-time and flowcharting software) are readily available.

_1__ 5. We use groupware technology to manage group processes such as project, team, and meeting management.

_2__ 6. We support just-in-time learning, a system that integrates high-tech learning systems, coaching, and actual work on the job into a single process.

_3__ 7. Our electronic performance support systems enable us to learn and perform our jobs better.

_4__ 8. We design and tailor our electronic performance support systems to meet our learning requirements.

_2__ 9. People have full access to the data they need in order to do their jobs effectively.

_3__ 10. We can adapt software systems to collect, code, store, create, and transfer information in ways best suited to meet our needs.



Technology Application (maximum score: 40)




  22 + 29 + 26 + 25 + 26 = 128




5 subsystems (maximum score: 200)


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